With girls, I think it is more even between father and mother, though
personally I have found it leans toward the father.

I have a great relationship with my father, he likes to tinker with
things and understand how they work. When he started college in the mid
1970s, he started in computers... unfortunately his parents were more
controlling than conducive to his education (he was over 21, had lived
on his own for a few years; they told him they would not pay for college
unless he lived at home, was in by 10, and did as they said). He has an
engineering mind... but unfortunately, was not given the chance to
exercise it. He loves it when I come home and spend time blah blah
blah-ing to him about engineering things, or when my husband and I
answer computer questions for him. 

My mom is quite the opposite... she could care less, as long as it
works, she just wants to know how to use it and get the most out of it.
But at the same time, she is independent, loving, and stands up for
herself (though she takes a lot of crap, she knows when to say when).
She loves to help people.

While I love my mother dearly, and I think she and my father together
guide my spirit, my father is the one who guides my mind. I don't know
how many women feel the same... but generally the phrases "mommy's boy"
and "daddy's girl" come to mind. :o)


> And thus brings up an interesting point.  What about daughters?  Are
> they influenced by the personality of their mothers to a severe extent?
> Does anyone know of a relationship between the mothers view of
> technology (i.e. a 'geek' or very not 'geek') and how that affects their
> daughters? I cant recall ever hearing anything on this, so I may be off
> base..

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