Hi, Christian,
> I wouldn't work in a skirt because there's *no way* i'm going to play
> with the old corporate attitude that woman should pantyhose to work, but
> the same time i don't feel like having to talk to everyone about the hair
> my legs either ...

Unfortunately, that makes a whole lot of otherwise decent places to work
inaccessible to you, or else just keep you out of management, even
technical management.  It will also keep you out of most positions
involving any contact with a customer, and that can include senior
technical positions.  The question I had to answer for myself was whether
or nor I was willing to conform to societal expectations and the dominant
paradigm in order to get what I wanted.  I decided I was willing to do
that, and I don't consider that a huge sacrifice.

I do shave my legs and hate any hair there, but that's just me.
> Today i wore shiny jeans, boots, a tight long sleeved shirt with orange
> flames all over it, and my 70's style leather jacket with big huge
> (Not because it's friday either)

I've worked in places where dressing like you and Susannah did today, even
when I was younger and had the body for it, would have gotten me sent home
or fired.  Of course, things are more liberal today than they used to be. 
Also, it's a lot different here in the North Carolina, or where I worked
for IBM before in Tallahassee, Florida, that it is in say, Silicon Valley.

Oh, and one of the real sad things about getting old (say, almost 40, like
me) is that you are expected to be more conservative, and can't do the
things you could get away with at 20, which stinks sometimes.


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