I don't claim to know ESR however I do know guys who are after having sex
with a variety of women.. I also know alot of women who are intrested in
having sex with alot of guys... usualy the "players" play with "players"
though this is not always the case.. nor is it the point of this post...

This conversation, though not directly, brings up some rather anoying
social standards/beiefs or whatever you want to call it.. When a women is
discovered to enjoy sex with multiple partners she is automagicly
classified as a slut.. by all genders involved implying by being the way
she is.. she has somehow lost a huge portion of her identity and
classified as an object... men who do the same thing are classified
as a womanizers... 

It realy irks me to see people objectified because they enjoy multiple
partners.. the slut lable bugs me more since for the most part men still
see thier fellow male as being how they are... just happen to have a added
lable.. on the female side though.. the other girls tend to percive the
"slut" as just that.. in fact they more readly change the name from "jill"
to "slut" when talking behind her back... 

further just because someone likes to have lots of partners doesn't mean
that he/she doesn't respect people.. 

Again, I don't know ESR personaly, but I've seen too many cases where
people loose thier identity because of their sexuality... and I'm just
sick of it.. You can't gauge someone's level of respect base on sexual
intrest.. people are far more complex then that..

sex is NOT the end all be all of a person.. even if outwardly that seems
to be all they think about!

blah, hugs,

 On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Deirdre Saoirse wrote:

> On 13 Jun 2000, Kirrily 'Skud' Robert wrote:
> > I think I have to take issue with this statement.  I have met Eric and
> > interacted with him for a few days at a conference down this end of
> > the world, and while it's obvious that he enjoys the company of women,
> > he is by no means discriminatory in his behaviour.
> There's inherently a marginalization that happens when a group is seen as
> babes to bag, regardless of any outward behavior to the contrary.
> > If I had seen *any* evidence that he thinks women less capable of 
> > hacking, or that he would treat women differently with respect to 
> > technical issues, I would not be posting this.
> I will agree with this.
> -- 
> _Deirdre   *   http://www.sfknit.org   *   http://www.deirdre.net
> "Linux means never having to delete your love mail." -- Don Marti
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