Alice wrote:

> ...(and at that age we all know what that usually means)...

Actually, we--being male in this instance--don't.

> The second problem is an immediate issue of geek girls feeling alone and
> being abandoned.

How so?

> Whatever we hear about geeks being antisocial introverts,
> it simply isn't true.

>From my experience, I would tend to agree with this. However, what leads you to say 

>  As esr wrote in the cathedral and the bazaar a lot
> of open source software development can be traced to gaining peer approval
> (as well as the scratch an itch stuff).  The effect our peers have on
> shaping us is both well researched and depressingly strong.  On an
> individual level the idea that those poor lasses are still suffering as I
> think many of us did/still do is appauling.  And this is even forgetting
> the wider issues of a society losing half of its potential.

I wonder if Raymond's analysis isn't too broad, and so, meaningless. I haven't read 
CAB in its entirety, so I'll get back to you before I say more.


Alexander Sendzimir               "You're a person, not a user."
Digitally Inclined
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