On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 12:21:37PM -0700, The Cat In The Hat wrote:
>       so my real question is why can't recruiters accept a resume in text format 
>especially when you are applying for a Unix Sysadmin job?

I'm not sure, since I've never dealt with recruiters, but I got my cool
new job (at a large, well-known, backbone ISP, which I mention only to 
illustrate that some big corps do accept plaintext docs) with a plaintext 
cover letter and resume. I know that a couple of my sysadmin friends won't 
even consider working for a place that insists on having their resume in  
MSWord (or any other proprietary) format.

Not exactly an answer to your question, but an answer that some have chosen.
I think a closer answer is that it's HR people that do the hiring, not UNIX-
wielding tech people, even though you'd think that HR people, as reasonable 
human beings, would accept materials in plaintext... [=^J 
Erin  8)

Erin Clarke,
SysAdmin-y Type,
Doer of Many Things

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