
This Monday a group of Computer Science students from our university
crashed a Windows 2k promotion happening in Turku, Finland. We were about
30 students (of which several female!) that marched into the conference
area and hung our penguin flag and started handing out Linux CDs. 

You can check out the pictures at 

The story is somewhat dramatized there, the Microsoft people weren't
really that aggressive and the quote about Linux being a decease is just
an example of our photographers sense of humor(?).

On the whole, our little Linux promotion worked well. After being forced
to leave the conference area, we positioned ourselves by the reception and
managed to hand out all of our (some 50) CDs. Some people actually came up
and asked if they too could have a CD, while others wanted to know what
this Linux thing really is and how we can hand out CDs for free.


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Jeanette Heidenberg, MSc |                          |      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CS at Abo Akademi Uni    | Does fuzzy logic tickle? |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Finland                  |                          | www.infa.abo.fi/~jeanette

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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