Susannah Rosenberg wrote:
> it's the fact that to BECOME competant you often have to spend lots of
> time not having a social life, and often neglecting such things as
> friends, clothes, makeup, proms, classes... er... anyway, just generally
> being somewhat isolated and obsessive, which is not as acceptable for
> girls as it is for guys. but that's not disdain for being competant,
> itself, imho.

good point.  Tech changes rapidly and the people who stay on top (broad
generalization here, standard exceptions apply...) are the ones that
spend a large amount of time on geeky terch stuff, and who also enjoy it
for the sake of doing it, not just as a job or such.

Ive seen quite a few coders who got into the job because it was somewhat
interesting, and quickly let it become a 'job' and its not long
thereafter that they begin to shift into other positions like managament
or other fields entirely.

The truly exceptional coders are almost always the crazed looking geeks
that are permantly attached to a machine of some type, and play with
boxen well into the evening hours.  Whether this is a good thing or not
is up for debate, but its the majority that ive seen.. (again, there are
always exceptions..)

How this applies to other tech related jobs i dont know..

> teenagers are a bit too old, honestly. and while 'let them geek out on
> their own' is a pretty good idea, i'm still very resentful that my dad
> waited until i was about 8 or 9 to get me a box and encourage me to
> learn BASIC. the earlier you get used to computers, the better; i still
> feel like i'm 'behind'.
> considering the degree to which teenagers are 'nudged' towards sports,
> etc, it's probably not TOO bad.

I owe a lot of my start into tech with the fact that my father would
teach me basic programming and database programming with DBaseIII around
my 8-10 year old age.. (we also had logo on apple's in school.. but that
wasnt programming IMHO.. ;)

The biggest plus for me was not the age at which I started so much as it
was the help he gave me with any types computer/programming questions I

Of course, if I hadnt gotten into computers until 15-16 there would
definately be a difference... 

I am begining to think that feeling behind is a fundamental aspect of
technology.. There is sooo much out there, that the more you learn, the
more you see how much you dont know.  Perhaps this is just my
observation, but it seems that its not uncommon for even very gifted
tech people to feel this way..  

         "You are the product of a mutational union 
           of ~640Mbytes of genetic information."

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