On Thu, 13 Apr 2000 18:16:18 -0500 (CDT), "Jenny Brown (was Gable)"
>On top of all that... there was a nearly fanatical focus on algorithm
>development and backend systems, completely excluding project
>management, web programming, user interfaces, graphics, database
>front-ends... The actual practical stuff. Instead, they taught OS
>and compiler design... how to write a database... Essentially, how
>to rewrite all the commercial tools that are already out there for
>use... but not how to use them to do anything useful.
Well, of course. That's because you were in computer science. If you
wanted this other stuff, you should have been in MIS, not computer
science or computer engineering. Colleges do a very poor job in
general of matching students to majors, but they're especially bad in
the technology fields.
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