On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Otto wrote:
> The only time I have ever been inconvinienced by wearing a dress was when
> I fried a motherboard with all the static from the crushed
> velvet. Synthentic fibers and delecate electronics do not mix.
Completely off-topic for issues (I'm Cc'ing techtalk to take the
discussion there), but if you want to wear synthetics (aka large
static-charge source) without zapping all electronics, have a look at
"washable computing":
In other words, if you have dresses (or any static-generating clothing)
you like to wear but can't because of the static effects, sewing metallic
thread into it might do the trick. Any place that carries embroidery
thread should have at least a couple of spools of metallic thread; I
prefer to use the ones that explicitly give a silver content.
back to lurk mode I go... :-)
Andrew Plumb, VE3SLG
spk2_0.0.2: http://www.plumb.org/tekmage/source/spk2/
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