On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 18:56:39 +0100 (GMT), Alice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >As esr wrote in the cathedral and
> >the bazaar a lot of open source software development can be traced to
> >gaining peer approval (as well as the scratch an itch stuff).
> I don't buy esr's argument here. He's assuming that he's "typical"
> when in fact he's not.
what would you suggest as an alternative? why do you think people
work on open source?
For myself, I work with/on open source when I can because I like to
pull gadgets apart and see how they work. I hate seeing work inside
companies wasted by developing an in-house gadget which is
replicated X times by X companies to solve the same problem. As far
as I can tell, working on open source software is the best way for
me to find examples of how to be a good problem-solver and
> Of course, esr is also a sexist pig, so I don't know if we really want
> him as a "role model" anyway.
Please do elaborate what you mean. I've only read his work; I
haven't interacted with him IRL. Are there things I should know?
Shane Renee Landrum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i just wanna walk through my life unarmed
to accept and just get by like my father learned to do
without all the acceptance and getting by that got my father through -AD
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