Alexander Sendzimir babbled:
:> ...(and at that age we all know what that usually means)...
:Actually, we--being male in this instance--don't. 

I actually had a very unusual experience growing up.

I am female, yet I was one of the guys.  Not as in the stereo typical
sense that you see in movies, but actually accepted for who I was, most
likely because I had interest in more typically male activities.  I
skated, was the lead singer of punk bands, told nasty jokes, etc, because
that was the type of thing I liked to do.  I started out as a novelty
(Holy sh*t, a girl who listens to the Dead Kennedys) and quickly proved
myself an equal.

They would stand up for me.  "She's not a girl, she's Julie*."  They would
talk about anything with me.  It was absolutly cool.

Of course, I didn't go on a date till I was 19.  None of my friends would
regard me that way.

I've seen the same thing in computer circles.  The crackers I've met have
been absolutly cool, most of them treating me like anyone else, some of
them even treating me better than most because I am a female.


* You thought Otto was my given name?

Otto's Punk Rock Ranch for Wayward Girls

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