Deb wrote:

:Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
:> I *always* go to interviews in pants. However, in CA, women are not
:> allowed to be discriminated against for wearing pants (yay). So, even when
:> I wear a suit, it's with pants.
:I own one dress, no skirts. 

I own a pair of corderoys, 2 pairs of dress pants and no jeans.  I have
always prefered skirts for some reason.  I find them so much more
comfortable than pants.  I guess I'm odd.

The only time I have ever been inconvinienced by wearing a dress was when
I fried a motherboard with all the static from the crushed
velvet.  Synthentic fibers and delecate electronics do not mix.

At the same time, I would hate to work somewhere that I have to wear a
dress.  Dress codes, as far as I'm concerned, are pointless and rude.  


Otto's Punk Rock Ranch for Wayward Girls

We can't understand why highly educated professionals, lawyers would get
out there and march like a common person on the ground.
                        -S.C. confederate flag supporter John Bradley

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