"J B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I must disagree here.  It may often be because of money, but in most of the 
> cases I know of, the guy is attracted to the strong independent woman who 
> just happens to be a geek (in the hetero relationships, obviously).  Men 
> that were raised in a household where the mother was independent, strong, 
> etc look for that in a woman, and cannot abide by a woman that is a 
> "doormat".  I know that this is the case with me.

Having been treated as a doormat in both my personal and professional
life, I can say that it doesn't feel very good to me, either (but I
wouldn't even try assuming what the average "doorpost" male would
feel).  And my ranting about it doesn't seem to do any more good than
your ranting about it.  

The main difference seems to be that when women get physically abused,
there's almost always a support network to assist them and correct
the abuser.  No similar system exists for men, that I know of.  
It's culturally unthinkable here in the Midwest.

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