"Jenn V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You're starting in a bad position. I accept and admit that. But I suspect
> that when you research things, you'll find that your position is no worse
> than those of the women who first formed support for women with 'strict'
> husbands.

To say the least!  But I haven't been drowned, beheaded, burned at the
stake, etc, etc, yet.  On the other hand, they don't give out purple
hearts (the U.S. military decoration for being wounded in combat) to
writers, either.  Some of it is my situation, admittedly--I have TWO
ex-wives.  So I wasn't happily married.  On the other hand, a lot of
it is political correctness.  I've already been physically assaulted
by one of the rape crisis counselors here, as well as a few other
women, not to mention men.  

I don't think it's particularly a function of gender, either,
in my case, but rather a function of celebrity, which basically
means that I'm either a target, or a sex toy, or a social worker,
or all of the above, in this culture.  

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