On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Erin Clarke wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 12:21:37PM -0700, The Cat In The Hat wrote:
> >     so my real question is why can't recruiters accept a resume in text format 
>especially when you are applying for a Unix Sysadmin job?
> I'm not sure, since I've never dealt with recruiters, but I got my cool

ahh, recruiters. i didn't get that part of the original post...
IME, recruiters are rarely clueful individuals. For what i do, whihc is
website engineering, i've found that posting a URL to recruiters is
usually sufficient. Look, they're going to make money if they place me,
I figure there's no reason to kowtow to them.  


Shane Renee Landrum

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