> My exact thought when reading the abstract was "As women, why should
> we even care about earning the respect of a bunch of teenage boys?"
That's what I thought, too. But...
> boys without respect for women often grow up to be men without
> respect for women
That's my worry too - everyone acts like a bit of a twat when they're 15ish,
I know I did... OK, so I didn't crack or break into houses, but I wasn't
lovely either... so the script kiddy-sexism could just be randy, insecure
teenage boy speaking. But what if it isn't? I'd guess it becomes more
internalised, patronising sexism later in life. (Comment made to my better
half by one of the other (older, experienced unix admin) people on the RHCE
course, when I decided to skip lunch so I could go over some config stuff -
"not eating, it's a girlie thing".)
But as for the script kiddies, they aren't the _only_ means of learning
cracking/hacking skills... if they were really useful sources of info they
wouldn't *be* script kiddies, they'd be higher up the food chain stomping on
them ;-)
Someone should do a "7-up" style longitudinal study...
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