srl wrote:
> thought this might relate to the discussion about colleges, CS programs,
> and females; this is what happens when the CS majors graduate.

> Harassment Suits Hit the Dot-Coms

> Now, though, the environment may be getting too casual. Managers at some
> Internet companies are rethinking their corporate cultures as a smattering
> of sexual harassment lawsuits begins to roll into their high-technology
> world. Some legal experts think these cases might be the beginning of a wave.

OTOH, sometimes it's just a really good workplace.

Power restrictions meant that the air conditioning was off at Netizen,
in the middle of summer. A bunch of us were trying to work in an
un-airconditioned skyscraper. I whinged (ok, I admit it. I whinged.)
that the guys could take their shirts off and I couldn't - and one of
them shrugged and said Netizen's an equal-opportunity place, go for it. 

It's almost embarassing that I /didn't/ get whistled. :)

Sometimes, you get to work in a place where everyone's mature.

Jenn V.
       "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture 
                you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Jenn Vesperman

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