Just to clarify, not wearing panyhose just means i wear pants :-)
> Unfortunately, that makes a whole lot of otherwise decent places to work
> inaccessible to you, or else just keep you out of management, even
> technical management.
I have a head web developer role at a large web hosting company. So far,
only one person has worked under me there and we fired him, but i'm supposed
to be slipping into management soon.
> It will also keep you out of most positions
> involving any contact with a customer, and that can include senior
> technical positions.
I don't usually look like a total wacko when i meet clients, but i don't put
on a suit either.
> Oh, and one of the real sad things about getting old (say, almost 40, like
> me) is that you are expected to be more conservative, and can't do the
> things you could get away with at 20, which stinks sometimes.
That's too bad. I live in Northern Virginia ... it's not particularly
conservative and neither is the company i work for. I share an office with
a man who's probably 35 or so ... he swears a lot, has long hair (not
ponytailed), wears hacker T-Shirts all the time ... AND he's consitered one
of the most valuable employees at the office :-)
Sometimes i think being a little eccentric might help me get/keep work, too.
When you show up to work looking (and acting) like a nut (or an interview
for that matter), they might just assume you're a genius :-)
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