Okay, just so everyone knows what's happening (and hopefully this
message will make it through).

As many of you know, the LinuxChix lists are currently messed up and
have been for about a week or so.  For this I apologize.  I am, however,
working to get the situation fixed.

I have secured new hosting space for the LinuxChix site and lists. 
Everything is basically set up for the move to take place, all that
needs to be done at this point is for the "linuxchix.org" domain to be
pointed at the new location.  This will happen in the near future.

The new lists are being managed by a system called "mailman" rather than
by majordomo.  You can get more information about mailman here:
http://www.list.org.  You can manage your LinuxChix list su*bscriptions
through a handy web-based interface rather than through email.

I have moved the current su*bscriber lists to the new lists.  If you
would like to play with your new su*bscription configuration, you can do
so by visiting the appropriate list pages listed here:


Here you can choose to su*bscribe or unsu*bscribe, whether you want a
digest version or not, and various other good things.

Note that the su*bscriber lists for the original "digest" lists was lost
when things got all messed up.  If you had a su*bscription to one of the
digest lists, you will have to go to the URL shown above and su*bscribe
to the appropriate lists.  When you su*bscribe, you can chose whether
you want a digest version or not.

If you want to post to the new lists, you do so by sending mail to the
appropriate address:


When the DNS is updated, all of these will change to have @linuxchix.org
addresses, and I will post another announcement.

Again, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience the list problems may have
caused.  Moving a site and lists to a new location isn't really a small
task, however, and I assure you that I'm doing so as quickly as I can.  

Thanks again for your patience.

- deb


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