noproblem wrote:

<snip big looooong message from doug>

i agree that geekiness is becoming attractive. however, it's
becoming attractive because of _money_.

and in a lot of cases, while (hetero) women want a man who can support
and provide for them... men still want to be "the head of the

the economic attraction isn't as strong for men, because society still
expects them to provide, and looks down on them if they don't. so the
perception i've seen is that _male_ geeks are desirable, while female
geeks are often seen as... scary. <shrug> not female enough; in as much
as geekiness now equates to positive 'masculine' virtues, it's
respected. in as much as geekiness does _not_ equate to traditional
'feminine' values, it's undervalued.

i've noticed a weird trend in all this geek attractiveness stuff: young,
geeky guys marrying older, less geeky women. any thoughts?

Susannah D. Rosenberg   / [EMAIL PROTECTED]   /

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