On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, Jenn V. wrote:
> I just bought and read the book 'Does Jane Compute?'
> Do people think this is still the case - current information
> only please! but anecdotal is fine - and do people have any
> suggestions?
Well anecdotally - I just got off the phone from my 19-yr-old sister, and
after at least a ten year break from computers she tells me she's getting on
to the net and becoming more confident with it. I'll make a linxchick out
of her yet...;)
I know from myself that I stopped playing with computers when I was about 12
because the machines we had were on loan from where dad worked, and I was
terrified to break them. It didn't stop me doing GCSE computer studies
though - what did annoy me was being more up to date than the teacher and
95% of the class, which only contained two other girls trying to do it as an
"easy option" (they both failed).
So as far as I can tell, you have to start with IT education very young, and
make sure the courses and equipment are up to date...and perhaps some
projects need to be developed to appeal to girls, to get them hooked in the
first place. Female IT teachers would be a good start, too! When I was a
teenager there were no role models at all.
(What have we got now, Lara Croft? Mmmm, dead good.)
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