I am a high school teacher, computer science and webmastering in Dallas, Texas.

I attended Carnegie Melon's 6APT workshop for AP Computer Science Teachers several 
years ago addressing this issue.

We teachers, do a horrible job teaching young girls.  I am attempting to do better, 
and it shows, I have a higher female enrollment in computer science -- and I had a 
pretty good one to start.  Certainly higher than the national average.

I feel the best thing we can do for young children, and that is ALL young children, is 
to read to them, teach them chess, and teach them to play a muscial instrument.

Young children, all of them become better learners with these three things.  They 
don't have to be good at chess, or good at musical instrument.  The attempt helps.

As teachers, in the classroom, we need to start treating them equally.  Teachers tend 
to ignore girls and spend more time with boys.  Why?  Because our boys tend to be more 
disruptive in class, and in an attempt to control the disruption, we channel 
activities towards them.  -- If you were to raise your girls to be as vocal as boys 
that would help us.

If you doubt me there are studies done and an infamous 20/20 segment where a teacher 
spends the entire time the camera is there ignoring her girls.

As a high school teacher, as many of said here and on other forums, I can't do a whole 
lot.  But I can do some, and as community members, you can help by becoming a mentor.

First, I'm a pretty good role model.  I work very hard at being one.  I emphasize the 
fact that I am different.  I drive a truck with amateur radio plates and antenna -- I 
need more, and had more at one time.
I am very matter of fact and vocal about my lifestyle -- while I am married, I don't 
have children by choice, and I also let my students know upfront that I know a lot 
about computers and that I have chosen to teach high school.

I think I am sending a loud message.  My message, which seems to be getting to my 
girls, is that you can be a partner in a marriage not a follower, and that you can 
make choices.

My message, which seems to be getting to all of our students, is that you can change 
your life, and do what you want.

Oh, something that is REALLY helping is the fact that this year I have lost a 
tremedous amount of weight.  I sure don't want to do that multiple times, but it 
should last through at least this 4 years worth of students.

You can do that same type of thing by volunteering with Big Sister, in your local 
schools, girl scounts, Camp Fire girls or whatever is going on with girls in your 

You can do even more if you are part of a higher educational instritution.  I would 
like to see some "girls" days in local universities.

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