Regarding esr...(though hesitantly as I do not believe in the private
being publically aired, so please excuse, but this did seem relevant, and,
oh what the hell, I've written it now, I might as well send it)
On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Susannah Rosenberg wrote:
> >
> > Of course, esr is also a sexist pig, so I don't know if we really want
> > him as a "role model" anyway.
> um, pardon me, but do you speak from personal experience?
> (ie, have you met or do you know esr personally?)
I have spent some time with ESR, and although wouldn't put him in the
Clinton category, he's certainly no angel. Indeed after a very pleasant
evening of discussing politics and other mutually interesting topics, he
now insists I was flirting with him the whole time! He also began the
dinner by encouraging me to sit next to him (I'd done that anyway, but a
hurt looking guy was claiming the seat as his own) by saying "She's
prettier than you" ... which is not to deny it ;) nor to say I complained
at the time, but I did feel a little insulted that this was all it was
perceived I had to offer...oh its all way too complicated! Why can't we
all just emerge from the womb well rounded unprejudiced self confident
(There was a third party around who agrees with my recollection of the
But this has little to do with what he has actually written about, of
which I agree with a lot, or at least find interesting. And that's not to
say his reaction to me was purely sex based, or to do with other bits of
him that were being screwey but on an individual rather than gender basis.
> speaking as someone who's hung out with him at conventions (no, not
> /THAT/ kind of conventions... sci-fi conventions!) and who knows his
> extremely kickass wife, he really doesn't seem /at all/ sexist to me,
> nor have i ever read anything in his writing that's particularly sexist.
<grin> Actually I could point you to a sentence or two - check out (if you
can still find it) some way into his "resignation" letter of about a year
ago and a reference to a groupie... ;)
Still, as men go, he's not that bad.
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."
Anais Nin
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