>I've encountered him online and conversed with him, on several
>occasions. Interestingly, his tone on the times he thought I was male
>was discernably different from the times he thought I was female
It's always funny to see how people treat you subtly differently depending
on what gender they think you are. (or not-so-subtly, but that's less funny
than annoying). I imagine I have some funny quirks that way too. I found
a lot of IRC'ers used to get more polite when they knew I was female. In
fact, for the most part I'm happy to designate myself as female -- I just
don't like admitting to my age. Guess that comes from finding that too
many IRC'ers my age were twits, and I didn't want to associate with 'em.
When I was 14, I liked to tell people I was 68 or so -- only the most
desperate 21 year old male (I'm not sure why I encountered so many 21 yr
olds) would hit on someone who says she's a senior! :) (Though they had no
qualms about 14 year olds...)
If you had been a man (or at least presenting yourself as such), do you
think you would have felt *equally* compelled to say you were 68?
While your primary motivation may have been the twits your own age, it
doesn't make the society you were involved in any less sexist. And while
having the freedom to present ourselves as we wish is a good thing, being
subjected to disrespect because of age and gender shouldn't be our
responsibility to avoid.
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