On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:

> On Fri, 14 Apr 2000 09:22:17 -0500 (CDT), "Jenny Brown (was Gable)" 
> >Just to clarify... so were the profs at uiuc... just that due to the
> >students' responses, it had much more effect on the women. The guys
> >ignored it better.
> Of course, that aspect of reality is not one for which UIUC is to
> blame.  The question, therefore, is whether it is reasonable for
> people to expect colleges to compensate for the damage done by sexism
> in primary and secondary education.

Perhaps it's reasonable to expect that colleges *should* do that if they
care about educating students equally. I'm not convinced that they care---
particularly in the case of large state schools, which is a damn shame. 

But then again, that's why i went to a women's college. And that's why my
alma mater is starting an engineering program. see
http://www.science.smith.edu/engin/ ) for more info.


Shane Landrum

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