Messages by Thread
[Wesnoth-i18n] Rules for the stable 1.8 series, stringchanges and other stuff
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.8 almost done and a change in the announcement
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Schedule for 1.8 additions
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Update of the 1.8 announcement
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] String (re)additions in trunk
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Japanese maintainer
IWAI, Masaharu
[Wesnoth-i18n] Galician coordinator change
Leandro Regueiro
[Wesnoth-i18n] Release announcement text for 1.8 ready for translations!
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] pot-update: new string added in wesnoth-utbs!
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] String changes in 1.7.x (trunk) Dark Forecast
[Wesnoth-i18n] String changes in the 1.7.x (trunk) manual
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Hebrew Translation Update
Ariel Ben Yehuda
[Wesnoth-i18n] Level-up floating label removed
Kádár-Németh Krisztián
[Wesnoth-i18n] UtBS: Female Desert Fighters and Scouts
Fedor Khod'kov
[Wesnoth-i18n] Level advancement flying tag - number position issue
Kádár-Németh Krisztián
[Wesnoth-i18n] trunk pot-update (shortly before 1.7.9...)
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] String changes/additions in post 1.7.8 trunk
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] trunk pot-update with string changes/additions
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] introducing myself
Fred Maranhão
[Wesnoth-i18n] pot-update in trunk
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Changes to maps
Chusslove Illich
[Wesnoth-i18n] Start of the string and feature freeze preparing for 1.8
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Release plans for 1.8 (string and feature freeze are close!)
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Status of branches/1.6
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Plans for the next (and most likely last) release of the stable 1.6 series
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Call for localized images
Chusslove Illich
[Wesnoth-i18n] PO validity report for trunk
Chusslove Illich
[Wesnoth-i18n] branches/1.6 pot-update
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] When to start working on trunk
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.6.x pot-update and the release of 1.6.4
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] pot-update in branches/1.6
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.6 string changes and release plans for 1.6.2
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Clarification of ^ error
Nicky Witras
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.6 pot-update
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Dwarfs, orcs, engineer and trolls language
Leandro Regueiro
[Wesnoth-i18n] post 1.6.1 pot-update
Nils Kneuper
Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] id.po validity report for 1.6
Chusslove Illich
[Wesnoth-i18n] PO validity report for branch 1.6
Chusslove Illich
[Wesnoth-i18n] Addition of new campaign to trunk, a pot-update in trunk and the release of 1.6.1
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.6.1 delayed due to string changes
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Just another pot-update on branches/1.6
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] New markup in trunk
Mark de Wever
[Wesnoth-i18n] pot-update in 1.6 and the release of 1.6.1
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Announcing 1.6
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Rules for the stable series, the announcement for 1.6, stringchanges and other stuff
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Pencils down for 1.6
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Release of 1.6 and the final announcement
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Missing translations in wesnoth.desktop
Chusslove Illich
[Wesnoth-i18n] The release and announcement of 1.6, a font/string change and a little delay...
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Announcement text for 1.6 (basically) ready for translations
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] About changing Chinese font in 1.6
Yuanle Song
[Wesnoth-i18n] Translation hints and the release of 1.6
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] registered at freenode, now wesnoth cloaks available
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Latest string changes (especially in the manual) and release schedule for 1.6
Nils Kneuper
Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] Strings in po files differ from the ones ingame (beta 2)?
[Wesnoth-i18n] Strings in po files differ from the ones ingame (beta 2)?
Kádár-Németh Krisztián
[Wesnoth-i18n] stringchanges in trunk
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Pre-1.6 string fixes, and a script to make them painless
Eric S. Raymond
[Wesnoth-i18n] getting closer to 1.6, latest changes, some more plans...
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Doubt about a translation
Luciano Montanaro
[Wesnoth-i18n] images for the manual
Nils Kneuper
Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] Special characters (<, @, `) in strings. Leave them in?
benoit . timbert
[Wesnoth-i18n] Special characters (<, @, `) in strings. Leave them in?
Kádár-Németh Krisztián
[Wesnoth-i18n] Release of 1.4.7
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] plans for 1.4.7 and 1.6
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] inconsistence in description
Leandro Regueiro
[Wesnoth-i18n] about POT files
Leandro Regueiro
[Wesnoth-i18n] Tutorial string freeze?
Kádár-Németh Krisztián
[Wesnoth-i18n] Hall of lame
Joe Dalton
[Wesnoth-i18n] soft stringfreeze and removal of utbs from current trunk (for 1.6)
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] scheduled release of 1.4.6
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Doubt with liberty string
Leandro Regueiro
[Wesnoth-i18n] New campaign and general changes
Nils Kneuper
Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] Trunk textdomain status
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] pot-update for 1.4 and the release of 1.4.5
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] A little doubt and another thing
Leandro Regueiro
[Wesnoth-i18n] Unofficial package translations lost?
Kádár-Németh Krisztián
[Wesnoth-i18n] some questions
Leandro Regueiro
[Wesnoth-i18n] Release of 1.4.4
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Credit entrys
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] pot-update on 1.4 and the release of 1.4.3
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] pot-update
Nils Kneuper