On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 09:52:38PM +0100, Kádár-Németh Krisztián wrote:
> We have run into a problem, that may be caused by the difference of the
> English strings in the po files (trunk) and the ones ingame.
> In the "wesnoth" po file there is "The NICK '$nick' is registered on
> this server." string, but in the game one can see "The USERNAME '$nick'
> is registered on this server." We have already translated this string
> into Hungarian, but the problem causes the game to show this message in
> English.
> We have experienced a similar problem with the "The nick '$nick'
> contains invalid characters. Only alpha-numeric characters, underscores
> and hyphens are allowed." string. We are not sure, if this has been
> changed too, but it is English in the game, it has been translated to
> Hungarian though.
The server was not updated yet and thus didn't send the error code
which the client uses to display the right message. It's updated now.

> And there is another problem with this string. We gave the test name
> "Játékos" (means "Player" in Hungarian), which surely contains only
> alphanumeric characters, but we got this error message. Until recently
> it has been available to connect to the official multiplayer server with
> accented (non-ASCII) characters, so this seems to be some kind of bug too.
The server never accepted non-ASCII characters in nicks and I don't
think that's a good idea either. I don't want to make it difficult to
kick an obnoxious player for example just because he has a lot of "weird"
characters in his nick and people have no idea how to type them.


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