> Hi everybody!
> I just wanted to tell you that a soft stringfreeze is active for most mainline
> campaigns. That is only tsg and sotbe are still getting some polishing, the 
> rest
> is under this soft freeze. Soft freeze means that only typo and grammar fixes
> are allowed.

Then I can assume that is time to start translating in trunk and leave stable??

> A little more important is the news that for the moment "Under the burning 
> suns"
> (utbs) is removed from mainline. That is in 1.5.6 it will not be shipped in 
> the
> default tarball anymore. The maintainer asked for this to allow him further 
> work
> on the campaign so that it can eventually be polished and bugfree again. All 
> the
> files are still in the svn (branches/utbs) and the campaign will soon be
> uploaded to the addon server allowing translations for it via wescamp. But it
> will not be part of the 1.6 stable series, there it is only available as 
> addon.


> Beside this the new campaign "Legend of Wesmere" (low) was added to mainline.
> This one will be included in 1.6. We are not 100% sure about "A New Land", 
> some
> multiplayer extension that was included a while ago and is currently rather
> broken due to the engine being a little broken in parts critical for this. We
> might keep it in or remove it in the next weeks. For the moment you should
> assume that it stays in.


> I hope that all of mainline can soon enter the soft stringfreeze so that we 
> can
> release the first version of 1.6 early 2009. If everything goes as planned, I
> would love to have 1.6 out at the beginning of February.

So you are publishing a new stable serie every year?

                        Leandro Regueiro

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