On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Nils Kneuper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Leandro Regueiro schrieb:
> | Hi,
> | One: in wesnoth-manual says "The northern and eastern borders are not
> | defined, the southern border is the Great River" but it is not true.
> Submit a bugreport at https://gna.org/bugs/?group=wesnoth .

Sent. I put it in documentation category.

> | Two: how could I send localized captures for the manual?
> Translate the respective po file and send it in like any other po file. We 
> will
> generate the html files from it, just like we create the man pages from their 
> po
> files.

Then I only have to change in the .po the strings were there are links
to the images of the manual?? I haven't to send you the images?

> | Three: could you put all the units that appear in the official
> | campaigns only in wesnoth-units and not in the campaigns?
> No.
> Reason: Campaigns are meant to be really seperated from the rest. Seperated as
> in "everything specifically and just for this campaign is in the campaigns
> content". We intenionally split of the campaigns unit from the "real mainline
> units".


> | Four: how we should translate that strings from wesnoth:
> | "$name|ham,$name|ton,$name|field",
> | "$name|ham,$name|ton,$name|wood,$name Forest" ? Are this strings
> | appended to a town name? What are this strings?
> Yes, this is from the markov (e.g. town-)name generator. There are lists of
> possible entries for $name and this gets eg the sillable 'ham' attached. So if
> you have this list of entries for $name: 'Konrad', 'Dave' and 'House', the
> resulting list of possible townnames, forest names and whatever would be this
> (basically all permiations of the $name list with the entries in the block):
> Konradham, Konradton, Konradwood, Konrad Forest
> Daveham, Daveton, Davewood, Dave Forest
> Househam, Houseton, Housewood, House Forest
> Both entries, prefix and suffix are translateable and you should find
> combinations of names that make sense in your language. The entries are used 
> for
> various places mainly on by random generated maps. There forests, villages,
> mountains and sees can get such names. In your translation you do not have to
> provide the same number of entries per block, you can provide more or less.

Ok, I think I have it. I will try to translate that strings. Did you
say that if I couldn't translate the whole string, with the
translation for some part of the string, it is ok??

But couldn't be translated Konrad, Dave and House? There isn't a list
of town names as for elvish units names, dwarvish units names and so?

> I hope this helps a little. If the forum/wiki were working I could also point
> you to entries explaining this, but this stuff is currently broken...
> Cheers,
> Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

This helped me a lot. Thanks.

                Leandro Regueiro

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