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Leandro Regueiro schrieb:
| Hi,
| One: in wesnoth-manual says "The northern and eastern borders are not
| defined, the southern border is the Great River" but it is not true.

Submit a bugreport at https://gna.org/bugs/?group=wesnoth .

| Two: how could I send localized captures for the manual?

Translate the respective po file and send it in like any other po file. We will
generate the html files from it, just like we create the man pages from their po

| Three: could you put all the units that appear in the official
| campaigns only in wesnoth-units and not in the campaigns?

Reason: Campaigns are meant to be really seperated from the rest. Seperated as
in "everything specifically and just for this campaign is in the campaigns
content". We intenionally split of the campaigns unit from the "real mainline

| Four: how we should translate that strings from wesnoth:
| "$name|ham,$name|ton,$name|field",
| "$name|ham,$name|ton,$name|wood,$name Forest" ? Are this strings
| appended to a town name? What are this strings?

Yes, this is from the markov (e.g. town-)name generator. There are lists of
possible entries for $name and this gets eg the sillable 'ham' attached. So if
you have this list of entries for $name: 'Konrad', 'Dave' and 'House', the
resulting list of possible townnames, forest names and whatever would be this
(basically all permiations of the $name list with the entries in the block):
Konradham, Konradton, Konradwood, Konrad Forest
Daveham, Daveton, Davewood, Dave Forest
Househam, Houseton, Housewood, House Forest
Both entries, prefix and suffix are translateable and you should find
combinations of names that make sense in your language. The entries are used for
various places mainly on by random generated maps. There forests, villages,
mountains and sees can get such names. In your translation you do not have to
provide the same number of entries per block, you can provide more or less.

I hope this helps a little. If the forum/wiki were working I could also point
you to entries explaining this, but this stuff is currently broken...
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic
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