Messages by Thread
[Wesnoth-i18n] wesnoth-sota
Pep Amat
[Wesnoth-i18n] Logo translation
Antonio Rosella
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.12 branch string freeze & upcoming 1.12.6 release
Ignacio R. Morelle
[Wesnoth-i18n] Multiple fonts with translations
Martin Proud
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.12 branch string-freeze & upcoming 1.12.5 release
Ignacio R. Morelle
[Wesnoth-i18n] Logo translation project: Feedback needed
Timo Honkasalo
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.12 branch string-freeze & upcoming 1.12.3 release
Ignacio R. Morelle
[Wesnoth-i18n] Master (1.13.x) now differing from 1.12 branch
Ignacio R. Morelle
[Wesnoth-i18n] Upcoming Wesnoth 1.12.2 release & 1.12 branch string-freeze
Ignacio R. Morelle
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.12 branch string-freeze & upcoming 1.12.1 release
Ignacio R. Morelle
[Wesnoth-i18n] Wesnoth 1.12.0 tagged
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Problem when using '=' inside a string
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] 10 hours remaining until 1.12.0
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.12 Release Announcement, string-freeze and localization
Ignacio R. Morelle
[Wesnoth-i18n] Hard stringfreeze von the 1.12 branch
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.12 news and string changes
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Getting involved - Spanish Translation - No maintainer
Jorge Cardenas Monar
[Wesnoth-i18n] Getting Involved
Jorge Cardenas Monar
[Wesnoth-i18n] Stub Time of Day?
Kádár-Németh Krisztián dr.
[Wesnoth-i18n] Branch for 1.12 created
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Plans for the 1.12.x stabilization
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Textdomain status
Kádár-Németh Krisztián dr.
[Wesnoth-i18n] czech translaion
Luděk Kvapil
Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] [Wesnoth-dev] Plans for 1.10.7
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Upcoming release of 1.10.7
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Move to git and the fallout for translations
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Next dev release (1.11.2)
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Pot-update for 1.10.x and the release of 1.10.6
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Bigmaps to be replaced soon
Lari Nieminen
[Wesnoth-i18n] Release of 1.11.1
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] wesnoth 1.10.5 planned for early on saturday
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.10.x pot-update
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Trunk now differing from branches/1.10
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Plans for 1.11.0
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] string update in branches/1.10, plan for 1.10.4
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Translation status
Igor Paliychuk
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.10.3 planned for Friday, 18th May
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Not able to commit until April 21st
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Another (larger) string change in branches/1.10
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.10 pot-update and 1.10.2 plans
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] delays with committing translation updates
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] problematic string lengths in several translations (Russian, Spanish, ...)
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] PO validity report for 1.10
Chusslove Illich
[Wesnoth-i18n] branches/1.10, Wesnoth 1.10.1 plans and a pot-update
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Tagged 1.10.0
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Wesnoth 1.10 getting close
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] significant announcement changes, updated po files
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] pot-update for trunk
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.10 release announcement now ready for translations
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] A proposal for replacing the default CJK font.
Ruochen Zhang
[Wesnoth-i18n] String changes in trunk
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] bold text='More' markup
Victor Sergienko
[Wesnoth-i18n] translators forum group
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Joystick matters
Kádár-Németh Krisztián
[Wesnoth-i18n] String update/fix in trunk
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Contact data in the wiki and the credits entry
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Release plans for 1.10 (string and feature freeze are active!)
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] How to build addon
Dmitry. A. Ashkadov
[Wesnoth-i18n] Different branches
Dmitry. A. Ashkadov
[Wesnoth-i18n] Posting fails: posting.php
Dmitry. A. Ashkadov
[Wesnoth-i18n] WesCamp-i18n and BerliOS
Dmitry. A. Ashkadov
[Wesnoth-i18n] Translation Info
Ariel Ben Yehuda
[Wesnoth-i18n] pot-update for branches/1.8, release of 1.8.6
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] MP Code of Conduct translation
[Wesnoth-i18n] Release of 1.8.6
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] New Hebrew Wesnoth-Lib
Ariel Ben Yehuda
[Wesnoth-i18n] New textdomain wesnoth-help in trunk
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Sending minor update without being a maintainer
Niklas Cholmkvist
[Wesnoth-i18n] Still about GCI, we still need things for our students to do...
jeremy rosen
[Wesnoth-i18n] Google Code-In reminder
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Current status and request for Google-Code-In
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] "Morning star" and "flail"
Adrián Chaves Fernández
[Wesnoth-i18n] Release plans for 1.8.5
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Typography and the New Style Guide
Steven Panek
[Wesnoth-i18n] Another pot-update for branches/1.8
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] new strings in branches/1.8
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] (no subject)
Yuristyawan Pambudi Wicaksana
[Wesnoth-i18n] Re :Wesnoth-i18n Digest, Vol 41, Issue 3
Yuristyawan Pambudi Wicaksana
[Wesnoth-i18n] Bls: Wesnoth-i18n Digest, Vol 41, Issue 3
Yuristyawan Pambudi Wicaksana
[Wesnoth-i18n] My subscription in PT-BR translation team
Mathews Carvalho
[Wesnoth-i18n] question
Yuristyawan Pambudi Wicaksana
[Wesnoth-i18n] Wesnoth-Lib Fully Translated
Ariel Ben Yehuda
[Wesnoth-i18n] Wesnoth Wiki i18n
Adrián Chaves Fernández
[Wesnoth-i18n] pot-update for branches/1.8 and plans for 1.8.2
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Huge changes in trunk! (replacements of minus-misuses)
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] branches/1.8 pot-update (old lobby back in, many changes!), release of 1.8.1
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] 1.8 pot-update
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] untranslated strings
[Wesnoth-i18n] Wesnoth-1.8: pot-update with string changes
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] PO validity report for branches/1.8
Chusslove Illich
[Wesnoth-i18n] $flags_description?
Kádár-Németh Krisztián
[Wesnoth-i18n] pot-update in branches/1.8
Nils Kneuper
[Wesnoth-i18n] Auth command?
Kádár-Németh Krisztián