>> Oh, but for the game it is not clear. In German it would be this:
>> msgid "General"
>> msgstr "General"
>> msgid "Prefs Section^General"
>> msgstr "Allgemeines"
>> In gettext, if the string was both times
>> msgid "General"
>> The error would be "duplicate string detected" and that's it, so only *one*
>> string for the two would be possible. Since strings can have a completely
>> different meaning regarding the context this *would* be a problem.
> if you add msgctxt for each of the same msgid, like the example, that
> error will go away. I have just tested it.

msgctxt was added for avoiding the use of "Prefs Section^". In gettext
catalogs that have msgctxt two entries are different if they have a
different string in msgid (like catalogs without msgctxt) or if the
strings in the msgid are equal then are different if they have
different strings in their respective msgctxt.

So, since we have two strings "General" and there are two contexts,
then we should have to diferentiate them, using the "Prefs Section^"
dirty trick or the msgctxt label, a label that was added to Gettext
precisely for this situation.

                  Leandro regueiro

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