I have just finished updating the en_GB Wesnoth translation. While doing this, I found about 40 instances of strings that needed to be fixed, mostly things like typos and bad comma placement and use of British spellings outside the en_GB translation. These are things that the spellchecker built into wmllint cannnot flag and are also easy for a human eye to miss.
I put some thought into coming up with a way to fix these before 1.6 while interfering as little as possible with normal translation workflow. The result is the Python script enclosed with this mail; it is also in the main Wesnoth source tree as utils/pofix.py. This script automatically applies the required fixes to msgids in one or more .po files specified as command-line arguments. Translators *may* run it, but I am assuming Ivanovic the Lord of Translations will run it on incoming .po files before he commits them to the tree. Translators should, however, be aware of three places I turned up that may require actual changes to translations. These correspond to the following lines in the script: ("undead are hiding in the forest.", "undead are hiding in the forest?"), #* ("Thank god you are free!", "Thank the Bright Gods you are free!"), #* ("My God, such a fierce", "Bright Gods, such a fierce"), #* The first line, adding an incorrectly omitted "?", may create a translation issue in languages where question sentences have inflectional markers. The second two changes are required by our policy of avoiding anything in game that might sound like a real-world religious reference. I have evaded this problem in several campaigns by using references to otherwise-undefined sets of "Bright Gods" or (Gods of Light) and "Dark Gods" (or "Gods of Darkness"). -- <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a>
#!/usr/bin/env python # pofix - perform string fixups on incoming .po files. # # The purpose of this script is to save translators from having to # apply various string fixes needed before 1.6 by hand. It is # intended to be run on each incoming .po file as the Lord of # Translations receives it. However, translators may run it on their # own .po files to be sure, as a second application will harmlessly do # nothing. # # To use this script, give it one or more paths to .po files as # command-line arguments. Each file will be tweaked as needed. # It should work on Windows and MacOS X as well as Linux, provided # you have Python installed. # # This script will emit a report line for each file it modifies, # and save a backup copy of the original with extension "-bak". # # This script will tell you when it is obsolete. Run it against all .po # files in the main Wesnoth tree; when it says none are older than this script, # it can be discarded (assunming that it has in fact been used to transform # all incoming .po files in the meantime). # # Three lines in the structure below, marked with "#*", imply changes of # meaning that may require a change in translation. stringfixes = { "wesnoth-aoi" : ( # Typo fix. # ("Edition", "Editing"), ), "wesnoth-did" : ( # Typo shifted the meaning slightly, but changing the # translation is optional # ("the godly city of Tath", "the goodly city of Tath"), ), "wesnoth-httt" : ( # Missing comma clarifies that Lisar is ordering her duelist to attack, # not ordering someone to attack him! Translators will probably have picked # this up already. # ("attack my loyal duelist", "attack, my loyal duelist"), ), "wesnoth-manual" : ( # In English, if you "chop a piece of meat", there is a strong # implication that you regard it as food. The term "flesh" does # not have this implication. # ("chop pieces of meat", "chop pieces of flesh"), ), "wesnoth-thot" : ( # These are typo fixes not caught by the spell checker # ("It sees that guard", "It seems that guard"), ("Go thorough that rubble", "Go through that rubble"), ), # Changes in the wesnoth domain make consistent the use of the American # spelling "defense" in key strings. # "wesnoth" : ( ("have good defences in water", "have good defenses in water"), ("have a low defence", "have a low defense"), ), "wesnoth-trow" :( # Most changes to TROW simply fix inconsistent capitalization # of the word "lich" and the phrase "lich-lord", applying the # following rules: # 1) "lich" and "lich-lord" as the name of type of monster is a common noun # and should not be capitalized. # 2) Lich-Lord as a title of address should be capitalized. # 3) "Lich-Lords" as the proper name of a particular set of lich-lords # (e.g. those of the Wesfolk) should be capitalized. # ("funny that the lich-Lord", "funny that the lich-lord"), ("evil Lich in the catacombs", "evil lich in the catacombs"), ("The Lich was carrying", "The lich was carrying"), ("defeated the Lich and returned", "defeated the lich and returned",), ("know that Lich you", "know that lich you"), ("Lich. Maybe you", "lich. Maybe you"), ("Young Prince Haldric.", "young Prince Haldric."), ), "wesnoth-tsg" :( # In The South Guard, one change fixes comma placement. # # One other change (marked "#*") places a question mark where needed. # This may imply a translation change in languages with question # inflections in their grammar. # # One other change replaces "menfolk" with "humans"; the former # has an idiomatic sense in American English that you don't want. # ("Now Deoran, take", "Now, Deoran, take"), ("can you do against the dead!", "can you do against the dead?"), ("undead are hiding in the forest.", "undead are hiding in the forest?"), #* ("menfolk", "humans"), ), "wesnoth-nr" :( # Most NR changes are comma-placement or typo fixes. The first two # are exceptions, required by our policy of not allowing anything in # Wesnoth to resemble real-world religious behavior. # ("Thank god you are free!", "Thank the Bright Gods you are free!"), #* ("My God, such a fierce", "Bright Gods, such a fierce"), #* ("get of her high horse", "get off her high horse"), ("2 000 gold", "2,000 gold"), ("Oh, don't mind him", "Oh, dinna mind him"), ("Southern Tunnels friends", "Southern Tunnels, friends"), ("Thank you Lord Tallin.", "Thank you, Lord Tallin."), ("Northern Elves extremely few", "Northern Elves are extremely few"), ("14, 318 AD", "14,318 AD"), ("He is just dissolving.", "He is dissolving."), ("To do this Tallin", "To do this, Tallin"), ("I refuse utter", "I refuse to utter"), ("right, the I feel that", "right, I feel that"), ("seek the surface Tallin", "seek the surface, Tallin"), ("demented Sorcerer", "demented sorcerer"), ("who lead his people", "who led his people"), ("No Tallin, you are not dead", "No, Tallin, you are not dead"), ("Greater Gods then so be it.", "Greater Gods, then so be it."), ("Shut up you little snot", "Shut up, you little snot"), ("I wasn't talking to you lich", "I wasn't talking to you, lich"), ("I am honored sir", "I am honored, sir"), ("Rest assured, sir", "Rest assured, sir"), ("I propose is the creation", "I propose the creation"), ("Heck yeah", "Heck, yeah"), ("Thank you Tallin.", "Thank you, Tallin."), ("lords of light", "Lords of Light"), ), } # Speak, if all argument files are newer than this timestamp timecheck = 1233737832 # Wed Feb 4 03:57:12 2009 import os, sys, time, stat if __name__ == '__main__': newer = 0 modified = 0 pocount = 0 for path in sys.argv[1:]: if not path.endswith(".po"): continue try: pocount += 1 # Notice how many files are newer than the time check statinfo = os.stat(path) if statinfo.st_mtime > timecheck: newer += 1 # Read the content of each file and transform it before = open(path, "r").read() after = before for (domain, fixes) in stringfixes.items(): for (old, new) in fixes: after = after.replace(old, new) if after != before: print "pofix: %s modified" % path modified += 1 # Save a backup os.rename(path, path + "-bak") # Write out transformed version ofp = open(path, "w") ofp.write(after) ofp.close() except OSError: print >>sys.stderr, "pofix: I can't see %s" % path print "pofix: %d files processed, %d files modified, %d files newer" \ % (pocount, modified, newer) if pocount > 1 and newer == pocount: print "pofix: script may be obsolete"
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