> msgctxt was added for avoiding the use of "Prefs Section^". In
> gettext
> catalogs that have msgctxt two entries are different if they have a
> different string in msgid (like catalogs without msgctxt) or if the
> strings in the msgid are equal then are different if they have
> different strings in their respective msgctxt.
> So, since we have two strings "General" and there are two contexts,
> then we should have to diferentiate them, using the "Prefs Section^"
> dirty trick or the msgctxt label, a label that was added to Gettext
> precisely for this situation.

The thing is for wml (most of our content in fact) we use a custom
program called wmlxgettext to generate .po(t) files.
Unless someone add msgctxt support into wmlxgettext, we're unlikely
to support this feature soon.

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