In wesnoth-manual this string has an error:

"The Kingdom of Wesnoth lies in the center of this land. Its borders
are the Great River to the north, the Lower Hills in the east and
south, the Green Swamp to the southwest, and the Ocean to the west.
Elensefar, a once-province of Wesnoth, is bordered by the Great River
to the north, a loosely defined line with Wesnoth to the east, the Bay
of Pearls to the south, and the ocean to the west. There is no
government of the Northlands. Various groups of orcs, dwarves,
barbarians and elves populate the region. The southern and eastern
borders are not defined, the northern border is the Great River, and
the western border is the Ocean."

The error is that when it spokes about the Northlands, it says that
the southern borders are not defined, but the Great River is the
southern border of the Northlands, and it says that the Great River is
the northern border and it is not true.

                   Leandro Regueiro

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