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Nils Kneuper schrieb:
> As you already know, there will be a nice announcement, too. The announcement
> text currently gets one or two fixes every now and then *and* will get another
> update when we know the date of the announcement (since at the beginning a 
> date
> is listed and we don't know this yet...). But the good news is that you can
> already see what you submitted since the site is already online[2]. The
> announcement will be updated with some images, but those (still) have to be
> created...
> Since this stuff is now on our webserver, too, you can also directly get the
> files from there[3], it is a checkout of the svn rev and updated together with
> gettext.wesnoth.org. There are no stats for the announcement on g.w.o and 
> there
> will not be any since implementing this would be "a lot more work" than makes
> sense (due to partly different domains being used).
> I will send you a short note when the announcement is "really final" as in the
> images and missing date are added. Though you can already start working on it
> right now, then you will only have to alter one or two lines once the date is 
> known.

Okay, I added several screenshots in the announcement. This lead to several
untranslated strings, because a link to a "full screen" version of those images
was added, too. Please just copy over the english string for those into your
translated version and do not alter them. Also just copy the english string for
those "html commands" like "</br>" and "</a>".

The announcement should now basically be ready and only one change is open and
expected to happen "soon": adding the real date of the announcement. A short
guess from how it looks at the moment is that this might be next Sunday, though
it is not 100% sure so far...

Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

PS: If this was not clear so far: please fetch the new files from the svn[1] or
the website[2]. The files at the two locations should basically be idtentical,
since the stuff offered at the website is only an svn checkout that is updated
every 30mins.
You can have a look at the generated and uploaded html pages, too. Just go to
the URL of the soon to come official announcement[3].

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