Hi everybody,
During the past days, WenQuanYi Project has made big progress on their
WenQuanYi Zenhei font. They have just released a stable version 0.8.38
(Codename:Pangu). I wonder if it is possible to get it in wesnoth 1.6.

I have little time playing (or testing) this game, but according to
some Chinese players, this font does show characters better, most
importantly, clearer than previous one. Now since this font also
contains Japanese characters, if anyone can test how well/bad it is
for displaying Japanese, I would appreciate it.

Zenhei 0.8.38 download link is here [1]. Release page here [2].

Zenhei font has a size 6.9MB as tar.gz and 13MB as plain ttf.

If this one is too big to get into source, I'll have to give up and
would like to recommend a still developing font named WenQuanYi Micro
Hei. It is a new Sans Serif CJK font derived from Google "Droid Sans
Fallback". It's very compact (1.8MB in tar.gz), but now it covers all
characters in Unicode 5.1. The developers and volunteers are busy
working on it to make it show better though. 

Micro Hei font has a size 1.8MB as tar.gz and 4MB as plain ttf.

Micro Hei is still under developing, you can get nightly-build
version at their forum here [3]. (register required to download)

Below is a introduction of Zen Hei, from latest stable package:
WenQuanYi Zen Hei is a Hei-Ti style (sans-serif type) Chinese 
outline font. It is designed for general purpose text formatting 
and on-screen display of Chinese characters and symbols from
many other languages. The embolden strokes of the font glyphs 
produces enhanced screen contrast, making it easier to read
recognize. The embedded bitmap glyphs further enhance on-screen 
performance, which can be enabled with the provided 
configuration files.

WenQuanYi Zen Hei provides a fairly complete coverage to Chinese 
Hanzi glyphs, including both simplified and traditional forms. 
The total glyph number in this font is over 35,000, including over 
21,000 Chinese Hanzi. This font has full coverage to GBK(CP936) 
charset, CJK Unified Ideographs, as well as the code-points 
needed for zh_cn, zh_sg, zh_tw, zh_hk, zh_mo, ja (Japanese) 
and ko (Korean) locales for fontconfig. Starting from version 
0.8, this font package has contained two font families, i.e. 
the proportionally-spaced Zen Hei, and a mono-spaced face 
named "WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono".

[2] http://wenq.org/index.cgi?Download#ZenHei_Stable
[3] http://wenq.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=764


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