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Hi everybody!
As you might have seen in the bugtracker[1] finally some reports about problems
in the "soon to be stabilized" 1.5.x line come in. Many of those are not
critical, but some are problematic, especially the ones about AI problems. That
is instead of the final 1.6 release I will probably only get 1.6rc3 out
tomorrow. Several of the AI problems were at least reduced to a bearable level,
but this should get some more testing.
The good news for you as translators is, that you will have "some more days" to
work on the 1.6 translation. I don't know an exact date at the moment, but I
*hope* to get 1.6 out in the middle of the next week.

As you already know, there will be a nice announcement, too. The announcement
text currently gets one or two fixes every now and then *and* will get another
update when we know the date of the announcement (since at the beginning a date
is listed and we don't know this yet...). But the good news is that you can
already see what you submitted since the site is already online[2]. The
announcement will be updated with some images, but those (still) have to be
Since this stuff is now on our webserver, too, you can also directly get the
files from there[3], it is a checkout of the svn rev and updated together with
gettext.wesnoth.org. There are no stats for the announcement on g.w.o and there
will not be any since implementing this would be "a lot more work" than makes
sense (due to partly different domains being used).
I will send you a short note when the announcement is "really final" as in the
images and missing date are added. Though you can already start working on it
right now, then you will only have to alter one or two lines once the date is 

As already said in another thread here on the mailing list, the fonts for
Japanese and "all other Asian translations" were replaced with a single font.
All translators to Asian languages should update the font string in the main .po
file to have the Asian font at the front. Please also check if things look fine
with it (I don't know any of those languages, so I can not comment on the
"quality" of it, but since this font is widely used, I *assume* that it should
be fine...). Most "western" languages should be fine with DejaVu, the default 

On the side of string changes there was also a fix to a string in "Eastern
Invasion": A wrong name was used in a string, this was fixed in the last days.
Please make sure that you correct it in your translations, too.

Beside this I hope that you will be able to make a good use of the delay.
Wesnoth 1.6 *might* be tagged on Wednesday, though this is not sure yet. So you
at least have two and a half days extra. As already said before, the
announcement will *at least* be three, more likely four days after tagging, so
that you got some more time for the announcement text.

If you got any questions, feel free to ask. Good luck on completing and
polishing your work for 1.6.
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

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