Op Sa, 2009-05-16 om 18:19 +0200 skryf Chusslove Illich:
> Some whitespace checks added in this run.
> One is to warn when the original text ends with space after a colon (e.g.
> "Difficulty: ") and the translation misses the trailing space. In English
> the trailing space is significant here, preventing that what follows the
> label sticks to it. But this check alone produces 600+ warnings, and it may
> be that in some languages the trailing space really should be removed (CJK
> comes to mind), or is simply too unimportant a detail.
> There is a similar check for leading space too, except that it triggers no
> matter what character follows the space, because this is rarely a mistake
> and usually significant in original (unlike the mostly superfluous trailing
> space when not following the colon). But it may still be insignificant in
> some languages.
> So I've made it that, at the moment, only explicitly listed languages are
> checked for matching outer whitespace to original. Whoever wants into this
> list, tell.

People interested in these types of checks should try out pofilter in
the Translate Toolkit:
The same checks are also included in Pootle, and hopefully soon in

There are over 40 checks, including starting whitespace and ending
whitespace. It also checks if the translation starts with one when the
original doesn't, as Gabríel requested. I have a patch ready to take
the spacing conventions into account for Chinese and Japanese, at least
to some extent. I would appreciate any feedback, since it isn't clear
from my (old) checkout what it should be.

For example, if I apply this change to pofilter, the following will be
seen as an error:
msgid "Choose host to connect to: "
msgstr "选择要连接的主机: "

My understanding is that the space would not be used in normal writing,
and therefore is also not used when joining two messages together. Any
Chinese / Japanese translators with opinions on these possibilities?

Similar customisations can easily be made for your language if you are
interested. Join us in #pootle on irc.freenode.net or the
translate-devel mailing list:

Even language specific checks are possible. If there is interest, we can
even do checks specific to Wesnoth. We already have customisations for
OpenOffice.org, Mozilla applications, Drupal, KDE, GNOME/GTK, and

Keep well

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