On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 11:36:20PM +0100, Vladimír Slávik wrote:
> Yuanle Song wrote:
> > broken again.
> > the "&" is back. ;(
> All &s in the whole html document, anywhere, should be escaped - as the
> & itself is escaping character for entities! So all & turn into &
> As long as the escape is preserved in translation process, there is no
> error. Have you tried copying that link into a *html page* and clicking
> on it there, not just pasting it into address? Remember you are
> translating a page *source*, not what is visible or plain text... of
> course the real address has plain & in it, but in the page that special
> character must be escaped.
> So the current version is correct.
> Regards,
> Vladimír Slávik
I'm sorry. Html escaping is new to me, but yes you're right. The & in
source does changed to & when opened in a browser, I just tested it.

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