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Hi everyone!
I just wanted to tell you that we are somehow getting closer to the next stable
release and that we updated the status for the textdomains listed at [1]. That
is several campaigns should be basically ready and only smaller corrections of
typos and other comparable mistakes will happen there, no bigger stuff planned.
That is all but sotbe, tsg and utbs should basically be done and ready for
translations. All other non-campaign textdomains are *not* ready, that is
changes might happen there any time until the stringfreeze is declared or we
change the status in the list.
When sending in an update that is meant to be for trunk, please clearly declare
it as such. And when sending in an update that is only for 1.4 please also state
so. If you do not state what the update is for, I will commit it to both, trunk
and 1.4 to basically keep the translated strings in sync. That is so far I have
commited all of your work that was meant for 1.4 to trunk, too, as long as I
have not seen dedicated updates for trunk from your team.
As general info: I plan to start the string freeze preparing 1.6 sometimes in
December (just a rough guess and plans might change...). But on those campaigns
listed as 'ready' you can start to work on right now and not too many strings
should get fuzzy. Please do also not forget to list any spelling mistakes you
find, so that they can be fixed early. Please list the spelling mistakes on the
dedicated page in the wiki [2].
It might happen that we will add the campaign "Legend of Wesmere" to mainline.
That is it will be available via wescamp [3] before inclusion and it will (if we
manage to add it) be in in a "ready to translate"-state before the beginning of
December. That is so far it is just available via the add-on server for 1.4.x.
Have fun translating,
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

PS: I plan to get 1.5.5 out this weekend. Just as a short note for you. The text
and story status of campaigns included 1.5.5 should be rather stable till the
1.6 series is out. This is, of course, not valid for sotbe, tsg and utbs, here
many changes might happen.

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