Messages by Thread
[MARMAM] IMMS Animal Training Internship (Summer 2025)
Carrigen Manns
[MARMAM] New publication - Antarctic blue whale estimates of abundance and growth rate
Paula Olson - NOAA Affiliate
[MARMAM] New publication: Pharmaceuticals in the blubber of live free-swimming common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Dara Orbach
[MARMAM] New publication: Energetic cost of gestation and prenatal growth in humpback whales
Martin Van Aswegen
[MARMAM] Applications Open: Response Apprentice - The Marine Mammal Center
Sarah Tatum
[MARMAM] New Publication: False Killer Whales and Fisheries in Hawaiian Waters: Evidence from Mouthline and Dorsal Fin Injuries Reveal Ongoing and Repeated Interactions
Annette Harnish
[MARMAM] Marine Animal Wildlife Response Internship
Savannah Costner
[MARMAM] Registration is now open for TWM's 2025 Hybrid Marine Naturalist Training Programs
tracie merrill
[MARMAM] Final rule to remove the maximum duration of MMPA section 104 permits and Letters of Confirmation
Sara Young - NOAA Federal
[MARMAM] Hydrophones Available
Mithriel MacKay
[MARMAM] New publication: krill distribution models in the Northern california current
[MARMAM] New publication - Using accelerometry tags to quantify gray whale foraging behavior
Clara Bird
[MARMAM] UWinnipeg MSc position in Quantitative Polar Bear Ecology
Jean-Pierre Desforges
[MARMAM] Job Posting: IFAW Rescue Operations Manager
Sharp, Brian
[MARMAM] Registration open for introductory distance sampling workshop 17-28 February 2025
Eric Rexstad
[MARMAM] ALMMSN Spring 2025 Internship
Maureen Goretti
[MARMAM] New publication on physical measures of welfare in fin and humpback whales
Anik Boileau
[MARMAM] New publication: Agent-based modelling of southward coastal migration by humpback whale mother–calf pods off eastern Australia
Jasper De Bie
[MARMAM] Whalepoint volunteer positions 2025
Hermann Meuter
[MARMAM] Graduate Position: Univ. Leeds UK, Pinniped Genomics
Simon Goodman
[MARMAM] Job Opportunity: Senior Database Engineer Florida manatee research and response program
Krzystan, Andrea
[MARMAM] Seasonal Stranding Response Technician Opportunity with National Aquarium
Shaffer, Kate
[MARMAM] Northcoast Marine Mammal Center Spring Internship
Karen Helms
[MARMAM] New Publication - Review of humpback whaling in the Southern Hemisphere
Elisa Seyboth
[MARMAM] Article published - Energetic savings of bow-riding dolphins
Fiori, Lorenzo
[MARMAM] New publication: Assessing the reliability of species distribution models under changing environments: A case study on cetaceans in the North-East Atlantic
Pigeault , Rémi
[MARMAM] New article - the Marine Mammals Management Toolkit
Tom Dallison
[MARMAM] Job Opening: Marine Mammal Research Position at Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation
Beatriz Tintore
[MARMAM] PhD opportunity University of Sydney, Australia
Rachael Gray
[MARMAM] New publication: Co-occurrence of harmful algal blooms and whale deaths (Gregory Silber)
Greg Silber
[MARMAM] UGA: Job posting for permanent lecturer position
Allison S. Injaian
[MARMAM] New Publication: Amyloid-β and phosphorylated tau screening in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) brains from Italy reveals distinct immunohistochemical patterns correlating with age and co-morbidity.
Ksenia Orekhova
[MARMAM] Master’s in Marine Mammal Science program at New College of Florida
Athena Rycyk
[MARMAM] Post doc job advert ATU Galway City, Ireland
Sinead Murphy
[MARMAM] New Publication on use of body energy reservoirs by striped dolphins and Blainvill'es beaked whales
Yara Bernaldo de Quirós Miranda
[MARMAM] Pathology & Diagnostic Apprentice at The Marine Mammal Center
Sarah Tatum
[MARMAM] New Publication: Hemoplasma in melon-headed whale (Peponocephala electra, Gray, 1846), Veracruz, Mexico
Serrano Solis Arturo
[MARMAM] National Marine Life Center - Executive Director vacancy
Lisa Becker
[MARMAM] New paper on Sensitivity and performance of residency and site fidelity methods
Eduardo Morteo
[MARMAM] New publication: Acoustic richness and composition changes of humpback whale song, Ecuador (Javier Oña)
Javier Oña
[MARMAM] LAJAM Vol. 19(2) is available on line!
Eduardo Morteo
[MARMAM] Dolphin Research Internship with MareTerra - Sardinia Island (Italy)
Fabio Ronchetti
[MARMAM] New publication assessing noise reduction in whale habitat
Vanessa Zobell
[MARMAM] New Publication: Occurrence, residency, and habitat characterization of leopard seals in Chile
Renato Borras
[MARMAM] Manatee Management Job Opportunity
Pasawicz, Michelle
[MARMAM] New publication : Acoustic occurrence of deep‐diving cetaceans in the southern Adriatic Sea (Alexandra Constaratas)
Alexandra Constaratas
[MARMAM] New publication: A Tropical Estuary Where Mercury Does Not Biomagnify and its Adjacent Waters that Render Extremely High Mercury Concentrations in Top Predators
Leonardo Flach
[MARMAM] New publication: Individual variation of boldness in free-ranging bottlenose dolphins interacting with scuba diving tourism
Pamela Carzon
[MARMAM] JNCC-recognised MMO course (remote delivery)
Carolyn Barton
[MARMAM] Postdoc position in dolphin cognition, behavior, &/or welfare
Kelly Jaakkola
[MARMAM] New publication: humpback whale distribution Western Australia
Kate Sprogis
[MARMAM] New publication: Ship collision risk threatens whales across the world’s oceans
Anna Nisi
[MARMAM] Registration now open: introductory distance sampling workshop February 2025
Eric Rexstad
[MARMAM] New publication - Aerial Photo-identification of Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus)
Sean O'Callaghan
[MARMAM] New publication: Seasonal distribution of cetaceans in the European Atlantic and Mediterranean waters
Auriane Virgili
[MARMAM] 2025 Soundwatch Program Internship at The Whale Museum
Alanna Frayne
[MARMAM] Mammal Society Annual Conference 2025
Conference Organiser
[MARMAM] Open to All Applicants: Wildlife Biologist 2 at Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game
Pearson, Linnea E (DFG)
[MARMAM] Special Issue of Technological Advances in the Study of Aquatic Mammals
Kathleen Dudzinski
[MARMAM] : V International Symposium on Orcas from February 16th to 21st, 2025 in Tarifa, Spain
Seashore Environment and fauna
[MARMAM] CLOSING SOON - ORCA Ocean Conservationist Training Course 2025
Kate Weston
[MARMAM] New paper - Response of Guiana dolphins to the construction of a bridge in Ilhéus, Northeastern Brazil
Alice Lima
[MARMAM] Job posting: 3-year, post doc-level quantitative ecologist, Seattle WA USA
Rob Williams
[MARMAM] Oswaldo Vasquez
Phil Clapham
[MARMAM] Summer 2025 job in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
Neilson, Janet L
[MARMAM] Job posting: Assistant Direct Makah Fisheries Management
Jonathan Scordino
[MARMAM] New publication: Using acoustic monitoring to reveal nearly year-round presence of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the waters of southern Iceland
Carola Chicco
[MARMAM] A Review of Small cetacean Hunts in Greenland
nicola hodgins
[MARMAM] Job Listing: Asst/Assoc Professor MMI OSU
Stiles, Minda
[MARMAM] JNCC-recognised MMO course (remote) + PSO course (online)
Carolyn Barton
[MARMAM] New publication on population genetic structure of the bottlenose dolphin in the Turkish waters with implications for the T.t.ponticus
Arda M. Tonay
[MARMAM] Automatic Manatee Call and Mastication Detection
[MARMAM] Finn Larsen 1953 - 2024
Per Palsbøll
[MARMAM] Employment Opportunities Supporting the National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Protected Resources
BRUCE Morehead
[MARMAM] New publication on quantifying and reducing the impacts of biologging devices
Chris McKnight
[MARMAM] New Publication: Detailed Comparison of Acoustic Signals from Rehabilitated and Wild Franciscana Dolphins
Gisela Giardino
[MARMAM] New publication on humpback whale calving habitats in Mexico
Fernando Noriega
[MARMAM] New publication: Trophic ecology, based on stable isotope values, of long-finned pilot whales Globicephala melas stranded on the Icelandic coast
Filipa Samarra
[MARMAM] Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program - 2025 Summer Internship
Sydney P. Bryant
[MARMAM] New publication: Research handling effects on northern elephant seals
Lauren Cooley
[MARMAM] Grant Application Open from ACS-SFBay chapter
Susan Hopp
[MARMAM] New publication: a standardized welfare scoring method for dolphins
agathe serres
[MARMAM] Job Listing- Marine Mammal Responder
Brad Torsone
[MARMAM] New publication on bottlenose dolphin barrier feeding
Daniela Silvia Pace
[MARMAM] New publication: Hector’s dolphin distribution at Kaikōura before and after a major earthquake
Grant Ellis
[MARMAM] UCSC - IMS postdoctoral researcher in Monterey
Elliott Hazen
[MARMAM] New Paper on Behavioral Responses of Common Dolphins to Military Sonar
Brandon Southall
[MARMAM] New publication: Species diversity and critical habitats of offshore and deep-diving cetaceans in the South China Sea
[MARMAM] New publication: The longest documented travel by a West Indian manatee
Camila Carvalho de Carvalho
[MARMAM] New paper on the acoustic behavior of a solitary bottlenose dolphin
Olga Filatova
[MARMAM] New publication on Amazonian manatee acoustics and call for collaboration
Florence Erbs
New publication: potential signature whistles in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins
[MARMAM] New publication: Questionnaire surveys to investigate marine mammal fisheries bycatch: Systematic review and best practice
Sarah Tubbs (PGR)
[MARMAM] New publication: potential signature whistles in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins
agathe serres
[MARMAM] 2025 Soundwatch Internship Openings
Alanna Frayne
[MARMAM] Job Opening: Wildlife Biologist at Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game
Pearson, Linnea E (DFG)
[MARMAM] Year- Round Internships in the Aegean Sea: Few Positions Still Available for Winter 2024/2025 - Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation
Beatriz Tintore
[MARMAM] New publication about Polyomavirus in dolphins
Carlos Sacristán Yagüe
[MARMAM] `Xcertainty` R package now available! Incorporating uncertainty associated with drone-based photogrammetry of marine mammals
Bierlich, Kevin C
[MARMAM] New publication: killer whale predation in the SW Indian Ocean
Maeva Terrapon
[MARMAM] New paper: Population changes in a Southern Ocean krill predator point towards regional Antarctic sea ice declines
Els Vermeulen
[MARMAM] New Publication: The acoustic presence and migration timing of subarctic baleen whales in the Bering Strait in relation to environmental factors
Erica Escajeda
[MARMAM] New publication: Further insights on Burmeister's porpoise in the Southwestern Atlantic
Rafael Ramos de Carvalho
[MARMAM] ORCA Ocean Conservationist Training Course 2025
Kate Weston
[MARMAM] Veterinary Technician Student Externship Rotation - Applications close Nov. 22nd.
Sarah Tatum
[MARMAM] SEAMAMMS 2025 to be held in Jacksonville, Florida
Gibson, Quincy
[MARMAM] Workshop and special issue on ML/AI in Marine Mammal Research
Christine Erbe
[MARMAM] Call for Contributions – NAMMCO Scientific Publications, Volume 14
NAMMCO, Intern
[MARMAM] New publication on bioacoustical metrics
Lucke Dr., Klaus
[MARMAM] New Paper: Photo identification of humpback whales migrating through southeastern African coastal waters
Jennifer Olbers
[MARMAM] New publication: Baleen stable isotopes reveal climate-driven behavioural shifts in North Atlantic fin whales
Marc Ruiz i Sagalés
[MARMAM] New Publication: "Defining humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) potential distribution in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: a two-way approach"
Coni Fariello
[MARMAM] 2025 Scientific Training Program on Dolphin Research
Bruno Diaz Lopez
[MARMAM] New Publication: Utilization of stable isotopes in teeth to investigate pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps) in the southeatern United States
Wayne McFee
[MARMAM] New publication: Herpesvirus surveillance in stranded striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from Italy with emphasis on neuropathological characterization
Ignacio Vargas Castro
[MARMAM] NMFS 2024 Updated Marine Mammal Acoustic Guidance
Amy SCHOLIK - NOAA Federal
[MARMAM] REPORT - The trawl supremacy: hegemony of destructive bottom trawl fisheries and some of the management solutions
Giovanni Bearzi
[MARMAM] Sperm whale departure from the central portion of the Gulf of California publication!
Hector Perez
[MARMAM] Senior Curator Positions with the Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program
Erin R. Bates
[MARMAM] Free Pacific Whale Foundation Research Webinar Oct 24
Shannon Barber-Meyer
[MARMAM] Final Incidental Take Regulations for the Maryland Offshore Wind Project, Offshore Maryland
Jessica Taylor - NOAA Affiliate
[MARMAM] New publication: Influence of Dolphin-Watching Tourism Vessels on the Whistle Emission Pattern of Common Dolphins and Bottlenose Dolphins
Joana Castro
[MARMAM] Bryde’s whale (Balaenoptera edeni) occurrence and foraging behaviour along the east coast of Australia
Vanessa Pirotta (HDR)
[MARMAM] New Publication: Acoustic Signature of Plastic Mimics Deep-Diver Prey (Greg Merrill)
Greg Merrill Jr.
[MARMAM] Chair, Senior Scientist – Kraus Marine Mammal Conservation Program
Laura Ganley
[MARMAM] Reminder: Upcoming webinar on data fusion for marine mammal abundance
Rob Schick
[MARMAM] ASMFC Seeks Proposals for Passive Acoustic Monitoring for North Atlantic Right Whales: Proposals Due November 15
Alexander Law
[MARMAM] Recent publication on the need to consider recreational vessels in vessel strike risk assessments to humpback whales
Raphael Mayaud
[MARMAM] New Publication: Environmental DNA as a complementary tool for biodiversity monitoring: A multi-technique and multi-trophic approach to investigate cetacean distribution and feeding ecology
Luis Afonso
[MARMAM] Makah Tribe Job Posting: Marine Mammal Technician
Jonathan Scordino
[MARMAM] New publication on Social structure and site fidelity of rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) off the southwest Pacific coast of Mexico
Victoria Pouey
[MARMAM] Dmitry Tormosov
Phil Clapham
[MARMAM] New publication - the use of environmental DNA to explore population genetics questions for Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori)
Steph Bennington
[MARMAM] Request for male harbor seal vocalization samples
Düngen , Diandra
[MARMAM] SMM Workshop: Monitoring the health of pinnipeds
Mairi Young
[MARMAM] Recent publication pertaining to sea otter bioenergetics modeling efforts
Nicole Thometz-Tomoleoni
[MARMAM] Job opportunity with NSB DWM
John J. Citta
[MARMAM] New publication: Behavioral responses of Bigg's and Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) to uncrewed aerial vehicle-based breath sample collection
Catherine Feng-Yu Lo
[MARMAM] IMMS Animal Care internship (spring)
Carrigen Manns
[MARMAM] SMM Workshop: Marine Mammal Law - Enhancing Protection Through Legal Understanding
Natalie Barefoot
[MARMAM] Science Officer with the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group
Simon Berrow
[MARMAM] New publication: distribution and seasonality of the Omura's whale in Australia
Ciara Browne (Student)
nicole adimey
[MARMAM] New paper on chemical pollution and diet tracers among six cetacean species in the Northwest Atlantic
Anaïs Remili
[MARMAM] Job Opportunity: Large Whale Aerial Survey Biologist (Full-time)
Amy Whitt
[MARMAM] Free Zoom Presentation Unraveling Large Whale Entanglements by Edward Lyman, Presented by ACS-OC
hannah rich
[MARMAM] New publication on sperm whale demographics in density estimation
Alba Solsona Berga
[MARMAM] New Publication on the Ecology of the Black Sea Harbour Porpoise
Julia Ivanchikova
[MARMAM] Announcement - Upcoming Webinar on Data Fusion for Marine Mammal Abundance
Rob Schick
[MARMAM] Registration is now open for The Whale Museum's 2024 virtual Gear Down Workshop for Marine Naturalists
tracie merrill
[MARMAM] New publication: Relaxed selection in evolution of genes regulating limb development gives clue to variation in forelimb morphology of cetaceans and other mammals
Pavel Gol'din
[MARMAM] New publication: Hormones and reproductive cycles in marine mammals
Dara Orbach
[MARMAM] [New paper] Fishers’ perception and activity shifts in a dolphin bycatch mitigation context
Larissa Dalpaz
[MARMAM] JNCC-recognised MMO course (remote delivery) + PSO course
Carolyn Barton
[MARMAM] Vacancy: Science Officer posts at HWDT
Lauren Hartny-Mills
[MARMAM] New paper on cetaceans' summer abundance and distribution in Bulgarian Black Sea waters
Dimitar Popov
[MARMAM] SMM Workshop: Vessel strike risk assessment tool
Stevens, Tara
[MARMAM] Registration and Abstract Submission: UK and Ireland Regional Student Chapter 19th Annual Conference
Sophie Smith
[MARMAM] New publication: Pack‑ice seals contribute to biological transfers of iron in the Southern Ocean (Lola Gilbert)
lola . gilbert
[MARMAM] SMM workshop - Satellites to study whales (scholarship available)
Hannah Cubaynes - BAS
[MARMAM] New paper: Abundance of two Guiana dolphin populations in southeastern Brazil
Rafael Ramos de Carvalho
[MARMAM] IMMS Bottlenose Dolphin Photo-ID Program Late Winter/Spring Internship
Kailey Pamperin
[MARMAM] Sharing new paper on Endangered Galápagos sea lions and fur seals under the siege of lethal avian flu: a cautionary note on emerging infectious viruses in endemic pinnipeds of the Galápagos Islands
[MARMAM] New publication documenting anthropogenic and killer whale scars on Pacific Coast Feeding Group gray whales
[MARMAM] New publication on killer whales
Marie Mk
[MARMAM] ACCOBAMS MMO/PAM (French speaking) training 12-15 November 2024
David Léa
[MARMAM] Open Position: Executive Director at The Whale Museum
Alanna Frayne
[MARMAM] Seeking to fill a part-time temporary position
Timothy B Werner
[MARMAM] Cetacean Conservation Biology Senior Coordinator - The Marine Mammal Center
Sarah Tatum
[MARMAM] Teaching Hospital Applications OPEN - The Marine Mammal Center
Sarah Tatum
[MARMAM] Community Projects Manager - The Marine Mammal Center
Sarah Tatum
[MARMAM] Two SPOT LIMPET satellite tags available through online auction to raise funds for research
Robin Baird
[MARMAM] New Publication: spatiotemporal variability in resident killer whale diets
Amy Van Cise
[MARMAM] Final Incidental Take Regulations for the Atlantic Shores South Project, Offshore New Jersey
Kelsey Potlock - NOAA Federal
[MARMAM] New Study Investigates Spatial Risk Exposure of Floating Marine Litter to Cetaceans and Sea Turtles
Antonella Arcangeli
[MARMAM] New paper: Evidence for seasonal migration by a cryptic top predator of the deep sea
William Oestreich
[MARMAM] Cachalote Consortium 2024 - Going Virtual!
Ana Eguiguren
[MARMAM] IFAW Marine Mammal Rescue Stranding Internships - Winter/Spring 2025
Kasper, Kira
[MARMAM] From Pixels to Porpoises: Upcoming workshop at SMM2024 in Perth, Australia
Emily Welsh
[MARMAM] Mailing list submission - upcoming bycatch and entanglement workshop invitation
Ellie MacLennan (PGR)
[MARMAM] Rings of Power: evidence of mud ring feeding performed by Guiana dolphins
Julia Cavalli Pierry
[MARMAM] New publication: Drag reduction and locomotory power in dolphins: Gray's paradox revealed.
Dara Orbach
[MARMAM] Rel. New Paper: Strange attractor of a narwhal (Podolskiy & Heide-Jorgensen)
Evgeniy Podolskiy
[MARMAM] New publication: Pediatric Drone: Estimating morphometric measurements in spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) calves based on aerial photogrammetry (RIO et al., 2024)
Raul Rio Ribeiro
[MARMAM] New publication on historical killings of small cetaceans due to perceived competition with fisheries
Marie Petitguyot
[MARMAM] Marine Mammal Observer Training Opportunity in Vancouver, British Columbia
Emily Welsh
[MARMAM] SMM workshop: Sex in Cetaceans
Dara Orbach
[MARMAM] New publication: Baleen whales in the sub-Antarctic region
Fannie Shabangu
[MARMAM] The Black and Indigenous Scholars Award in Mammalogy
Matt Leslie
[MARMAM] New publication: Using satellite imagery to estimate abundance of beluga whales
Sherbo, Bryanna (DFO/MPO)
Re: [MARMAM] New publication: Whistle structure variation between two sympatric dolphin species in the Gulf of California
simone antichi
[MARMAM] New Publication: Vessel Strike Risk to Rice's Whale in the Gulf of Mexico: Review of Previous Methodologies, Information Gaps, and Recommendations for Future Efforts to Predict Strike Risks
Glenn, Tre W
[MARMAM] New publication on the biology, ecology and conservation of the Iberian Porpoise
Marie Petitguyot
[MARMAM] New Publication on detection probability for Antarctic blue whales in Southern Ocean
Franciele de Castro