Hello MARMAMers,

My co-authors and I are happy to announce the publication of our new open
access paper investigating research handling effects on stress hormones,
blood chemistry, hematology, and heart rate in northern elephant seals:

Cooley LA, Hindle AG, Williams CL, Ponganis PJ, Hannah SM, Klinck H,
Horning M, Costa DP, Holser RR, Crocker DE, and McDonald BI. “Physiological
effects of research handling on the northern elephant seal (Mirounga
angustirostris)”. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A (2024):
111771. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2024.111771

Abstract: Wildlife researchers must balance the need to safely capture and
handle their study animals to sample tissues, collect morphological
measurements, and attach dataloggers while ensuring their results are not
confounded by stress artifacts caused by handling. To determine the
physiological effects of research activities including chemical
immobilization, transport, instrumentation with biologgers, and overnight
holding on a model marine mammal species, we collected hormone, blood
chemistry, hematology, and heart rate data from 19 juvenile northern
elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) throughout a translocation
experiment. Across our six sampling timepoints, cortisol and aldosterone
data revealed a moderate hormonal stress response to handling accompanied
by minor changes in hematocrit and blood glucose, but not ketone bodies or
erythrocyte sedimentation rate. We also examined heart rate as a stress
indicator and found that interval heart rate, standard deviation of heart
rate, and apnea-eupnea cycles were influenced by handling. However, when
seals were recaptured after several days at sea, all hormonal and
hematological parameters had returned to baseline levels. Furthermore, 100%
of study animals were resighted in the wild post-translocation, with some
individuals observed over four years later. Together, these findings
suggest that while northern elephant seals exhibit measurable physiological
stress in response to handling, they recover rapidly and show no observable
long-term deleterious effects, making them a robust species for ecological
and physiological research.

You can read the full paper here:

Thank you,

Lauren Cooley, M.S. (she/her)
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
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