To the MARMAM community,

My co-authors and I are happy to share our recent publication in which we
assessed noise reduction techniques in whale habitats.

ZoBell, Vanessa M., John A. Hildebrand, and Kaitlin E. Frasier. "Assessing
approaches for ship noise reduction within critical whale habitat." *The
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America* 156.5 (2024): 3534-3544.


Ship noise pollution significantly overlaps with critical habitats of
endangered whales in the Santa Barbara Channel, prompting the need for
effective noise reduction strategies. Various ship noise reduction
approaches were assessed by simulating both source-centric (e.g., speed
reduction or retrofit) and space-centric (e.g., routing changes) strategies
to determine which would most effectively minimize noise within important
marine habitats. Reducing the speeds of all ships achieved the highest
noise reduction of the source-centric methods, although solely slowing
cargo ships led to similar reductions. Implementing a single-route approach
on the southern side of the Channel Islands achieved the greatest reduction
of the space-centric strategies. For the multi-route approaches, some noise
reduction was achieved by creating a buffer zone between the proposed
shipping lanes and the critical habitat boundary. This simulation framework
provides a mechanism for efficient exploration and assessment of noise
reduction strategies across time and space. The framework can be updated to
consider new approaches to changing ocean conditions.

Please contact Vanessa ZoBell ( if you would like a PDF
copy of the article.

All the best,

*Dr. Vanessa ZoBell *(she/her)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Scripps Machine Listening Lab
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Ritter Hall 105

*I respectfully acknowledge that I live and work on unceded ancestral land
the Kumeyaay
to whom I owe honor and gratitude.*
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