Dear colleagues,

My Co-authors and I are pleased to share the recent publication of our
article entitled “The First Standardized Scoring System to Assess the
Welfare of Free-Ranging Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (*Sousa chinensis*)” in
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater ecosystems.

The assessment of wild animal welfare has recently gained interest and
represents a novel, complementary approach to monitoring free-ranging
populations for conservation purposes. However, few attempts have been made
to develop standardized welfare assessment tools for free-ranging animals.
In the present study, a preliminary scoring system for the welfare
assessment of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (IPHDs) was created using the
Five Domains Model. During a series of online meetings, the panel
established the scoring unit, the contribution of each parameter to the
four physical/functional domains, the inferred mental states and impact
intensity associated with each of these parameters, and the method of
aggregating parameter scores within and among domains. The resulting
framework includes a total of 53 parameter scores. A total of 20
welfare-status and 33 welfare-alerting parameters were identified; these
are aggregated into two overall welfare grades for enhancement (positive
experiences) and compromise (negative experiences). The panel attributed
confidence scores to the intensity impact reflected by each parameter and
associated mental states. As expected, these scores reflect higher
confidence in welfare-status than welfare-alerting parameters; welfare
compromise was also attributed higher confidence than welfare enhancement
and Domain 1 (Nutrition) globally received higher confidence scores than
other domains. As with any expert elicitation study, subjective biases
likely exist; these can be reduced through further research on the
suggested parameters. The framework uses current knowledge and has been
developed to enable continual improvement as further evidence becomes
available on various parameters. This study represents an important step in
the development of a welfare assessment tool (WAT) for IPHDs. Next steps
include defining measurement methods and thresholds for scoring parameter
intensities, followed by reliability testing. This WAT can then be used to
systematically monitor populations of IPHDs in a way that will better
inform conservation measures and ensure their effectiveness.

The article can be viewed here

For more information, feel free to contact us.

Agathe Serres

On Mon 11 Nov 2024 at 04:07, <> wrote:

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>    1. Job Listing- Marine Mammal Responder (Brad Torsone)
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> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 03:11:53 +0000
> From: Brad Torsone <>
> To: "" <>
> Subject: [MARMAM] Job Listing- Marine Mammal Responder
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> The Marine Mammal Care Center in San Pedro, CA is looking to add a member
> to their Response Team. If you are interested and meet the minimum
> qualifications, please follow the directions to apply.
> Preference will be given to those with wildlife capture and handling
> experience, particularly with marine mammals.
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