CetaceaLab, aka Whalepoint, is a land-based whale research station located in 
the tradional territory of the Gitga’at First Nation on Gil Island, British 
Columbia, Canada.
We are now accepting applications for the 2025 field season from June until the 
end of September.  All positions are for 4-8 weeks in duration.
These are volunteer/intern positions to help with the collection of visual and 
acoustic data on the habitat use and abundance of northern resident/transient 
Killer Whales, Humpback Whales and Fin Whales.
Due to our extreme remote location, applicants need to be in good physical 
condition, able to participate in daily routine of living off the grid and 
comfortable sleeping in a tent in the wilderness of BC. There are no roads, 
very limited Internet access and very limited medical service.
Daily shifts involve:
- scanning for marine mammals, documenting all sightings and behaviour and 
identifying whales.
- listening to and recording all whale vocalizations that are transmitted to 
the lab facility from our network of hydrophone stations
- Data entry from land based and marine vessel-based surveys.
- Identification work of all whales from photographs taken in the field.
Experience in carpentry, electronics, social media and website building would 
be a valuable asset.
Due to our extreme remote location, there will be a weekly fee for food.
 Interested applicants should send their CV and a letter of motivation to: 
References will be contacted. More information about our research can be found 
at:  www.whalepoint.org<http://www.whalepoint.org>

All the Best and Good Luck,

Hermann Meuter

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