Please see below an opportunity for a Master's or PhD (preferred) project at 
the Sydney School of Veterinary Science, Sydney, NSW, Australia entitled 
'Assessing the environmental impacts arising from burying marine wildlife 
carcasses containing euthanasia and sedative drugs'. This project comes with a 
partial PhD stipend.

Project Synopsis:
This is a collaborative and innovative project between the University of 
Sydney, DCCEEW, NSW Environment Protection Authority, and NSW Health Pathology. 
The project will evaluate tissue and environmental samples from buried 
cetaceans to understand impacts from euthanasia and sedative drugs and 
management options for carcass burials in the natural environment.
The main aim of this project is to determine whether there are environmental 
impacts arising from the burial of marine wildlife carcasses.

The project aims to:

  1.  Assess the persistence of euthanasia and sedative drugs in different 
organs of whale carcasses.
  2.  Determine if drugs leach from buried carcasses and, if so, assess the 
temporal and spatial extent and associated environmental harm, if any.
  3.  Investigate whether differing burial conditions affect persistence and 
leaching of the drugs from whale carcasses and their movement in the 
With the assistance of scientists at DCCEEW and NSW Health Pathology, the 
candidate will extract and quantify euthanasia and sedative drugs in water, 
soil and animal tissues from whale carcass burial sites in NSW. The results of 
this project will be used to inform the management and burial of culturally 
significant marine carcasses in NSW.

Further information can be found here:

Dr Rachael Gray BVSc PhD
Associate Professor Veterinary Pathology
Sydney School of Veterinary Science
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
Phone: (02) 9351 2643
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