MARMAM list: Before the events of the end of the calendar year overtake you, consider registering for the February introductory distance sampling workshop. As you know, distance sampling is a widely-used method of population assessment for marine mammal populations. Registration will continue into January, however as these workshops often fill before registration closes. I encourage you to add this to your "to do" list before the old year passes.
Details of the workshop can be found on our new distance sampling web portal: Join the >200 people who have improved their distance sampling competence by participating in these video-conference workshops. If you have been one of those participants, please pass along this announcement to colleagues who might also wish to strengthen their competence. If you have any questions about the workshop, feel free to send those questions to me. Eric Rexstad Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling University of St Andrews Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
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