Good day MARMAM Colleagues,

On behalf of my co-authors, I am happy to announce the publication of our below 
paper in Scientific Reports:
Shabangu, F.W., Munoz, T., Van Uffelen, L., Estabrook, B.E.,Yemane, D., 
Stafford, K.M., Branch, T.A., Vermeulen, E., van den Berg, M.A.,Lamont, T. 
2024. Diverse baleen whale acoustic occurrence around twosub-Antarctic Islands: 
A tale of residents and visitors. Sci. Rep. 14, 21663.

Knowledge on the occurrence and behaviour of baleen whalesaround sub-Antarctic 
regions is limited, and usually based on short, seasonalsighting research from 
shore or research vessels and whaling records, neitherof which provide accurate 
and comprehensive year-round perspectives of these animals’ecology. We 
investigated the seasonal acoustic occurrence and diel vocalizingpattern of 
baleen whales around the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands (PEIs)using 
passive acoustic monitoring data from mid-2021 to mid-2023, detecting 
sixdistinct baleen whale songs from Antarctic blue whales, Madagascan pygmy 
bluewhales, fin whales, Antarctic minke whales, humpback whales, and sei 
whales.Antarctic blue and fin whales were detected year-round whereas the 
otherspecies’ songs were detected seasonally, including a new Antarctic minke 
whalebio-duck song sub-type described here for the first time. Antarctic minke 
andsei whales were more vocally active at night-time whereas the other species 
hadno clear diel vocalizing patterns. Random forest models identified month 
and/orsea surface temperature as the most important predictors of all baleen 
whaleacoustic occurrence. These novel results highlight the PEIs as a useful 
habitatfor baleen whales given the number of species that inhabit or transit 
throughthis region.
The paper is open access and downloadable from
Kind regards,Fannie
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Fannie W. Shabangu, PhD (He/Him)
Marine BiologistDepartment of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
Cape Town, South AfricaE-mail:;
Mobile: +27 74 220 0210
Tel: +27 21 402 3553
Research Fellow
Mammal Research InstituteWhale Unit
University of PretoriaHatfield, South Africa

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