Dear Colleagues,

We are glad to share our most recent publication entitled “*Allocation and
use of body energy reservoirs in striped dolphins and Blainville's beaked
whales: Snowball effect in negative energetic balance*”

The article is freely available from:

ABSTRACT: Climate change, overfishing, and other anthropogenic activities
can negatively impact the energetic balance and body condition of
cetaceans. Still, cetaceans must meet their energetic demands for survival,
which are more expensive to maintain in the marine environment. The
resilience of cetaceans to negative energy balance periods is unknown. We
analyzed where striped dolphins, a medium-sized dolphin with
shallow-intermediate diving habits, and Blainville's beaked whales, a
larger odontocete with an extreme diving profile, store their energy
reserves and how they use that energy. We performed dissections of body
mass compartments of fresh dead adults of similar total body lengths but
different body masses, determined the lipid and protein content of blubber
and muscle, and calculated oxygen stores and the aerobic dive limit.
Proteins in muscle were the largest source of energy stores for both
species, followed by lipids in the blubber and muscle. Both species
catabolized blubber and muscle simultaneously when losing body mass to
avoid impairing other important functions. When these functions are
impaired, a cascade of increased field metabolic rate and decreased energy
intake may occur, decreasing their resilience to environmental challenges
and making them more susceptible to diseases, ultimately resulting in death
by starvation.


PhD Marina Arregui Gil

Prof. Antonio Fernández

PhD Yara Bernaldo de Quirós
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